Sorry for pushing
Is it poosible toi check the last ticket above?
Her the Text and informaitins again.:
Hello No Problem
Sorry, thet i not have know this.
you make a graet job.
I have know make a new version.
Wat i not undrestand, i take ohter tmeplats also Template Monster SPPagebuilder Templates, if make this i have no problem.
But with your product, i not get this don direct by my self.
I have on this server about 20 Customer instaltion, Joomla / jommla SPPAbuilder working.
Know agin i have by teh insltin this error:
So the serfer is ok her the Date for this
I have this error Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home_pr6/e/x/"
This is a liteblib frustarting.
Sorry for disturbing you agin.
In hte hidden conetent i have the new infoartion form the Server:
PHP Version Server 8.1
Pleas is it possible that you taking a look again?
I am very haapy if i can strart the work.
Thank you very much
Information Lgin pleas check hidden conetent above.
Sorry, for asking agin, you mkae a very good job, but i am very happy if we can start wokr with this template.
If you need somitng let me know.
Thank you